
Embroidered Women's Long Sleeve Woven Shirt Grab Bag

Style #9932

Style #9932

The Dark colors may include black, navy, red, brown, hunter green and other shades.

The Light colors may include white, pale yellow, light blue, khaki, light grey and other shades.

Embroidered Women's Long Sleeve Woven Shirt Grab Bag

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Product Details

The Dark colors may include black, navy, red, brown, hunter green and other dark shades.

The Light colors may include white, pale yellow, light blue, khaki and other light shades.

When you order Style 9932, you can choose as many shirts in as many different sizes as you wish. We will then select a random sampling of fine quality button-front woven shirts. If you order three mediums and four larges, you could receive seven different shirt styles in seven different colors. Or you might receive just two shirt styles all in the same color. Any combination is possible. You could easily end up with several quality woven shirts that were selling not too long ago for $29.95 or even $39.95 before they were discontinued. Nobody knows. That's part of the fascination and part of the fun. Just like the other Grab Bags, colors and styles are random, but you're guaranteed to get a great shirt for an absolutely astounding price.
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Fit of the item:relaxed How To Measure
  S M L
chest 35-36 37-38 39-41


chest 42-44 45-47 48-51

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